
Tokyo Beethoven Quartet concert: ¥2500 (others vary)
4 Chome-31-3 Ogikubo, Suginami-ku, Tokyo 167-0051 (Maruichi Bldg, 2F)
Distance from Station:
3 minutes from JR/Tokyo Metro Ogikubo Station, South exit
03-3398-1758 (Japanese only)
12:00pm - 7:00pm, Closed Wednesdays
Website: (external link)
Limited English communication possible
  • no-credit-card


This Is Ogikubo Classical Music And Nostalgia
[updated September 2022]

Mignon is a classical music cafe in Ogikubo, a place that has become know as a classical town. However, many could say this is the center of classical music in Ogikubo. With a long history in Ogikubo since 1961, Mignon moved to its current location in 1971 and was renovated when the new owners took over in 2001, when the previous owner retired at age 91. However, her collection of 5,000 vinyl records remain at this classical cafe that was her livelihood. There is an index of this entire collection, and you can submit a form for your request. It is all in Japanese, but the owner will be happy to take your request verbally, but just be aware, this is not a talking cafe, it’s a listening cafe!

During the usual hours a fantastic menu of hot and iced drinks, toast and sweets, as well as alcoholic beverages, is available to accompany the musical experience. The special feature is the monthly concert put on by the Tokyo Beethoven Quartet, who has been playing once a month here for over 30 years! The cost is 2500 yen but it includes a glass of wine or juice at intermission. Other concerts or recitals are sometimes held as well, and there is a gallery which has occasional exhibitions and weekly study sessions.

Only a 3-minute walk from Ogikubo Station, it is a must-visit for fans of classical music. It may be western music, but this kind of place is rare in the world, and becoming more and more rare in Tokyo.



Writer: Greg
Photographer: Diego