- SEE & DO
- suginami events
Koenji’s Autumn Street Festival
[updated October 2024]
Koenji Fest became the largest Autumn event in the Suginami area and attracts more than 180,000 people every year. It has gained traction and since beginning in 2007 with various gourmet events, live events, and even shopping related bargains. You will enjoy various events such as talk shows by well known people related to Koenji, pro wrestling in front of the station, and live music on the streets. Also as of 2023 about 250 shops have various deals and projects going on during the event.
There are also food events featuring many different kinds of curry that you can enjoy eating and comparing, as well as “Guru-Cup”, a bar-hopping event at night. “Stamp Rally” events also take place where people enjoying visiting places around Koenji to collect stamps which they can exchange for prizes. Since 2018, a lot of excitement has come from the mikoshi portable shrine carrying event which usually ends up parading through the Pal shopping street on the south side of the station.
Koenji Fest is usually held on the final weekend of October, Saturday and Sunday from around 11:00am until the evening. Although the event is spread out all around Koenji, a good place to start is the Koenji Station north exit square, where the wrestling ring is located for wrestling and many live events. You’ll also be able to get guidebooks and free pamphlets near the station on the day of the event for further guidance. Surely there is something for everyone!
Koenji Fest is usually held on the final Saturday and Sunday of October.
Translation: Tanahashi, Greg
Photography: Koenji Fest staff